Friday, June 22, 2012

My first Father's Day

Dear Mason,
I wanted to thank both you and your mother for making my first Father's Day so special.  I have learned a lot more about myself and our family ever since you came into my life.  I cherish all the moments we spend together as a family and during our one-on-one sessions as father and son.  I try my best to teach you right from wrong even though you are barely pass your 10-month mark.  I know when I talk to you, you understand what I am saying.  You can tell when I am happy or when I am sad.  I want to teach you so much everyday because tomorrow is never promised.  You are my little guy and I want you to grow up to be the best man to your mom, wife, and children.  
Thanks to you and your beautiful Mother for the best Father's Day gift.  I love it.
Son, always remember when times get rough to always stick with the people who love and cherish you.  I am telling you now, no matter what mistakes you may make in the future or how mad you think your Mom and I will be, just let us know.  We will all come together and try to figure out a solution.  There is no need for you to hold it inside and try to hide it from us.  I will always be here for you to guide and protect you as any father would.  I would like for you to have everything I couldn't have as I was growing up.  That is why your mom and I work so hard to provide for you.
Wrestling with you, one of my favorite moments I spent with you thus far.
As I am typing you this letter, you have been in bed since 11:30 pm and your mom is also in bed.  I just arrived home at 3:00 am from one of my part-time jobs.  While working, I couldn't stop but to think about our little family.  I know our family isn't perfect, but whose family really is?  At times I think to myself, what qualities and traits make-up a good father?  Am I a good father?  I would like to think I am, but then again I do doubt myself.  Then there are moments when I compare myself to other fathers and I see myself somewhere in between.  Hopefully, when you grow up and read this you will think to yourself, "Hey, my Dad was a pretty good guy, I turned out alright after all."  Then I can finally relax and smile down at you from above.  I love you Mason.

p.s.  Just know everyday is a Father's Day to me because when you are a part of it it makes everyday special to me.

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