Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely....

Well early this morning I dropped off Laura and Mason at the airport.  They are traveling to New York City along with three of Laura's bridesmaids.  I miss them both so much, it hasn't even been 24 hours and I am ready for them to return back to TX.  It is different at home when the two most important people in my life leave for a few days.
They are definitely in New York
This is the first time our family has been separated from each other more than 12 hours!  Thankfully I had to work today which took my mind away from things for a good 8 hours.  Also, my brother Brian is here to visit for a few days.  So tomorrow we will do some brotherly bonding together to distract me from missing them.  I am just grateful for technology because Laura is able to send me cute little photos of my son like this....

I'm loving the shirt and cap

I can't wait until Friday morning when I go pick them up and give them both a big hug and kiss.  GN.

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