Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm a father

Its been just a little over 8 weeks since you were born.  I still cannot believe I am a father.   I remember every detail big or small in reference to the day you were born and it is something I will never, ever forget.  

Earlier tonight the song "Dance with My Father" by Luther Vandross was came on and I danced with you in my arms.  You seemed to enjoy it since you were smiling nonstop.  Your mom smiled and chuckled.  She loves that song too because it has a very deep meaning for her and Grandpa Gilbert.

As I am writing this letter, it is about 3:30 am, and I was finally able to put you to sleep.  Your mother is in our bedroom studying for a test she has in a week.  I am caring for you through the nights so she can study and get well rested for her classes in the morning.   I am so proud of your mom, she is not procrastinating and is studying well in advance.  

As you get older we both will teach you to finish your work ahead a time and don't be lazy.  Mason, please do not wait until the last minute to finish your assignments.  If you take this advice you will feel a lot better about your work and will not be as stressed out.  


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