Friday, March 4, 2011


Today we both went to our Doctor and he said everything went well.  Laura's blood pressure was 110/60 and he stated we were right on track with where we needed to be with the baby.  Unfortunately we were not able to find out the gender of our baby, however we did get to hear the baby's heartbeat!  I would compare it to a stampede of horses stomping on the ground.  Laura described it as a "strong and healthy heartbeat," which I agree!  The doctor said we would most likely find out the gender of our baby on our next appointment, April 1st, as long as the baby is cooperative.  Hopefully the baby isn't crossing his or her legs and making us wait to find out!

We also visited Laura's parents tonight in Dallas.  We helped her mom make cheese enchiladas from scratch and clean up afterwards.  I also took her father on a lil drive to 7-11, I think he liked it.  He also bought some scratch-off lottery tickets, something he's always enjoyed playing ever since I've met him.  Today was a good day for everyone.


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